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Anatoli Unitsky about the workload of modern transport systems

We are releasing a new summary of the main quotations of Anatoli Unitsky, the founder of SkyWay, from a series of videos he recorded during the coronavirus epidemic from the Testing Centre in Belarus.  

Today's materials are about the problem the workload of urban transport systems poses and what kind of solution SkyWay offers.  The summary is based on the release dated 28 May.

 -- Urban overcrowding leads to epidemics.  In nature, there are no examples of such crowding of mammals.  This is unnatural from a biological point of view.

-- At the same time, the mobility of people is constantly growing.  According to the UN, mobility around the world will increase by 2-3 times over the next 25-30 years.

-- At present, in order to reduce the cost of air transportation, there was started the increase of the  aircraft capacity, and naturally, the capacity of airports, because logistics at airports is not very good.

-- It is the same with trains.  The train can hold 300-500 people, sometimes more.  But you can't get on the train right away, you have to wait for a while, and that is why there are large crowds of people at the stations.

-- That does not happen when people use a private car, but a private car will not provide the volume of transportation and mobility that will be in the future.  In order to transport a large volume of passengers, there are needed millions of cars in one city, and that will kill the entire environment.

-- There must be something in between big and small vehicles, something smaller than terminals, stations, airports.  There should be SkyWay.

-- If the departure frequency is 30 seconds (which is acceptable for the city), then, one station will provide the capacity of more than 10,000 passengers per hour.

-- If the transport capacity is 50 people and you can leave in 30 seconds, then, there will not be thousands of people at the station.

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Is not scam but its real and easy to operate ooo you all is going to thank me later 
Anatoli Unitsky about the workload of modern transport systems

We are releasing a new summary of the main quotations of Anatoli Unitsky, the founder of SkyWay, from a series of videos he recorded during the coronavirus epidemic from the Testing Centre in Belarus.  

Today's materials are about the problem the workload of urban transport systems poses and what kind of solution SkyWay offers.  The summary is based on the release dated 28 May.

 -- Urban overcrowding leads to epidemics.  In nature, there are no examples of such crowding of mammals.  This is unnatural from a biological point of view.

-- At the same time, the mobility of people is constantly growing.  According to the UN, mobility around the world will increase by 2-3 times over the next 25-30 years.

-- At present, in order to reduce the cost of air transportation, there was started the increase of the  aircraft capacity, and naturally, the capacity of airports, because logistics at airports is not very good.

-- It is the same with trains.  The train can hold 300-500 people, sometimes more.  But you can't get on the train right away, you have to wait for a while, and that is why there are large crowds of people at the stations.

-- That does not happen when people use a private car, but a private car will not provide the volume of transportation and mobility that will be in the future.  In order to transport a large volume of passengers, there are needed millions of cars in one city, and that will kill the entire environment.

-- There must be something in between big and small vehicles, something smaller than terminals, stations, airports.  There should be SkyWay.

-- If the departure frequency is 30 seconds (which is acceptable for the city), then, one station will provide the capacity of more than 10,000 passengers per hour.

-- If the transport capacity is 50 people and you can leave in 30 seconds, then, there will not be thousands of people at the station.

Kindly register  with this link and thank me later....  
Is not scam but its real and easy to operate ooo.. 

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